Spire 3: Norwich Cathedral

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The Largest Cathedral Close In England

Norwich Cathedral. photograph taken in1905
Photo taken from Taber, M.J., "The Cathedrals of England," Boston, L.C. Page & Co., 1905

Norwich lies at the heart of rural East Anglia. It dates back to Saxon times. By 1066 Norwich was the largest walled town in medieval England. Work started on Norwich Cathedral in 1096.It took nearly 200 years to complete the task. As the only natural building material in the area was flint, stone had to be shipped in, mainly from Caen in Normandy. The cathedral was finally consecrated in 1278.

Julian of Norwich
Julian of Norwich

a great website by
Elizabeth G. Melillo

this website is infact twelve
seperate websites, highly detailed
and extremely informative on aspects
of the life of Julian of Norwich
this from
 Julia Bolton Holloway, et al.